Product Updates

New feature
May 13, 2024

New Feature: AI Translations

Following a successful beta test, we have now fully released AI Translations. This feature will enable teams to quickly and easily translate resumes (CVs), Reference Projects, and Masterdata (ie. skills, roles, experiences, etc.) with strong levels of accuracy.

How will this feature streamline proposals?

While CV Partner already helps global teams to collaborate better on bids (see here), we heard that multilingual teams still faced barriers. AI Translations helps in the following ways:

- By instantly translating company-validated skills, roles, experiences, courses, and more, you're able to quickly translate the data associated with your team’s profiles. This means you can easily search for skills in your native language, and find relevant employees, no matter what language their resume is written in. 

- After finding the right profile for the bid, you can then quickly translate it into the desired language. Since the AI is able to capture contextual information, the results are typically a lot more accurate than using a simple Google Translate.

All of this serves to help distributed teams and/or offices work together on new proposals, while also helping firms to bid for more global projects in varying languages.

How can I enable it?

Admins can enable AI Translations by reaching out to their Customer Success Manager, or contacting us on the blue chat icon on the bottom right of your screen. 

Once the feature has been enabled, the admin can edit what types of content can be translated. Translations can be toggled on or off for resumes, projects, and/or masterdata. To enable or disable which types of content can be translated, navigate to:

Account Settings > Customize CV Partner > AI Generated Content


Can I get a trial?

Yes, if you missed out on trialling the feature during our beta test, you’re more than welcome to try it now. Just reach out to your Customer Success Manager and they will be able to help set you up.

How accurate are the translations?

AI has given us translation capabilities that are better than ever. However, it’s important to remember that all AI-generated data requires human confirmation and quality assurance. We have created a difference-view to ensure that a user can observe the changes or adjustments done to the text.

Can I translate a whole resume/CV or project in one click?

We have intentionally chosen to not allow this, and the reason is linked to the above. If you were able to one-click translate a whole document, our tests have shown that users over time can become "AI-blind", meaning they accept the translated document without quality assuring the content. Instead users can translate resume sections one at a time, and have to accept the generated responses before going to the next section.

Can I edit the given translations?

Yes, after accepting the automated translation you are able to edit it seamlessly. Any edits will be saved automatically.

Are there any data trade-offs when using AI Translations?

Nope, keeping your data private and secure is always our priority! We are using AWS bedrock with all retraining disabled. This means that no data will leave our current AWS infrastructure, and we are adding no new sub processors. It also means that no data is every shared between our customers. 


To learn more, send us a message using the chat icon on the bottom right of the screen.